Title: The Elder Gods
Date created: May, 2015
A faery sorceress sits on an altar near the pit of an elder god. The tentacles of the elder god flail as the sorceress calms the god with her musical voice. The liquid in the pit roils from the frenzy of the elder god.
Created using a baked clay floor (Sculpey). All pieces were handmade except for the fairy sold by Preiser. Scale is HO. Base is 9.6cm x 9.6cm. This piece was designed for the softball sized display cube (9.6 cm x 9.6 cm x 9.6 cm).
This diorama is inspired by a scene from a book called Dilvish The Damned, by Roger Zelazny.
Part of the creative process. In this setting, there is a priest standing on a platform perhaps having a discussion with the fairy sorceress who is perhaps holding back the potential threat from the elder god in the pit.
You can see that the final textures have not been placed and there is not yet any liquid in the elder god's pit.
This shot was taken during the process of creating the final work. You can see it is almost identicle to the finished product save for the fairy's seat. In the final piece she is sitting on an alter, not a magical portal tesseract-type thing.
This image shows the scale.
Copyright (C) 2016, Thomas Vaughn.